Friday, October 26, 2018

25th October (hazy and warm) 10 km

Sunrise at camp

Have to say that this campsite would have to be up there for campsite of least disturbances. I think the only thing that woke me in the night was the little black and white cat, which has adopted us, trying to get into the milk container. Apart from that I slept soundly as did Julia. Had our usual pre take off cuppa, then breakfast, seeing as we had supplies. Julia suggested that this might be a good place to have a rest day and go and check out the beach that Xander had told us about. 
This morning - you can just make out the moon between the trees

Firstly, we both got stuck into airing out our sleeping bags and washing inner liners as well as jerseys that have needed a wash for a while. The sun was shining and we could relax, safe in the knowledge that when we got back from our beach date, all the washing would be dry. It’s always a good feeling on the road to get things done that you can’t get to every day. All washed and hung out to dry, we grabbed the bikes, minus panniers and off to the beach.
Noticed five storks on our way to the beach.  Pete stalked them for a photograph while they fed in this field and then they flew up the valley with us as we cycled to the beach.

The village of Odeceixe

We’ve noticed in France, Spain and Portugal that to get to some of the beaches, firstly you have to climb a hill and it was the same today and it was a good size. Once in Odeceixe, we found a place on the beach, with nearly all of Germany and immediately commented that it wasn’t that warm anymore (not due to the Germans I might add!). The sun, which had made an early morning appearance was now nestled amongst some light cloud. That was okay….we would wait it out. So, we lay on the beach, under cloud and Julia comments that today would have been perfect cycling weather. I nodded in agreement.
Killing time while waiting for lunch.  Pete was literally
wasting away! (Don't worry he's not really that skinny,
it's just the angle)
By 2pm we still hadn’t been in the water and the cloud was still there. Decided to break the monotony by having something from one of the cafes. Julia had a chicken toastie whilst I had a bacon burger. Both of us had a very tasteless coffee, but the food was good on both counts – mind you, after waiting for an hour, anything would have tasted good!  Down to the beach where we sat for another half hour, without venturing into the water, before picking up some food from a woman in a small shop, who definitely ripped us off….may a thousand pigeons shit on her shop then we returned to camp.
Here, we were greeted to clothes that still weren’t dry, so Ju made a milky coffee and we had a snack and pondered on the fact that it would have been perfect weather for cycling.

Ju here – yes, definitely stuffed up with our choice of rest day, it would have been perfect for cycling today.  Still, at least we got the clothes washed and the lighter stuff dried.  We also had a bit of an arm workout this morning seeing as our upper bodies are getting virtually no exercise.  As part of this, and a bit of fun, I decided to do a handstand against a tree trunk.  I’m pretty confident with my handstands against a wall so launched myself upside down, expecting my feet to come to rest on the tree trunk…….only they didn’t and instead went sailing past, the trunk lightly grazing my right thigh on my way to the ground, where I landed flat on my back.  My first thought was “Bugger, I’ve just done the washing” but luckily I didn’t pick up too much dirt, or any injuries!  I did the rest of my handstands against the safety of the back of the toilet block wall.

When we first got to Odeceixe Beach, there was a little wave there but with not much push…..and thirty surfers out.  I kept my eye on it, thinking if it picks up, I’ll shell out the 8 euro to hire a boogieboard for an hour.  But it just got flatter as the tide came in and on high tide, the shore break was back so decided not to bother.

Along with all the Germans, there are a lot of Indians living here as well. Got to admit, it’s not a bad place to live, especially if you like the beach.  When we got back to camp, we met a couple of Czech walkers who were doing a five day walk of the camino.  The little black and white cat was there to greet us but we weren’t feeling quite so friendly when we discovered evidence of a cat having sprayed on the tent.  There is another one lurking around, so we decided to blame him and patted our one while we blogged and checked on laundry etc.

Pete here - Julia has just read me the account from an eye witness, of the 1755 earthquake, which destroyed Lisbon and killed at least 60,000 people. Terrifying. I do have to relay a similarly horrific account which occurred today, although it was made light of in an earlier entry.
It had all begun so innocently this morning, with a frivolous comment from my good lady wife, that we rest our weary bones and make a lay day, whereby recovering from our toils of hilly terrain and distance, long in the making. Our clothing, simple, but fine in the design, was greatly in need of refreshing and partaking in the perfumery, with which a wash, by our fair hands, may bring. And so it occurred that at an early hour, our clothing, freshly washed, hung lifeless on a fence, waiting for the stirrings of a wind, that shall blow through, hence drying, said clothing and providing the wearers, joy and glee. A day spent , in the course of self refreshment, was, in the late afternoon, met with a distressing and somewhat alarming sight. Not a breath of wind had touched the fabrics previously spoken of, hence leaving them damp, prey, even wet and certainly not agreeable in the wearing. Great sadness fell upon the two owners of the garments and they were befelled by grief. Not on the morrow will these garments be worn, instead, well used and lacking in perfumed articles of clothing will once again be displayed, as our journey continues.

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