Saturday, September 29, 2018

27th September (sunny and mild, windy) 56 km

We woke about 6am but snoozed until 7.30am when the first thing on the agenda was to check how well the washing had dried.  To our amazement, it was pretty much dry, due to the constant seabreeze overnight.  It just needed a bit of sunshine to warm it up.  So we figured we should chuck another load of washing on before we left this camp which we did and hung this up to dry while we got breakfast and packed up the tent.
Shaun and a couple of Frenchies departed, cycling together today, but they cycle far too fast for us and I doubt they stop to take photos. Once brekky was out of the way, some of the washing was dry, or getting close and today is supposed to be thirty one degrees.

The roads were pretty good and just about empty,
but we still had cycle tracks to use.
Out of camp, onto the Euro Velo 1 and then it was a steady bash through pine forests on good cycle paths and when they got a bit iffy, we would simply switch to the deserted roads alongside.  The problem with this section of the coast are the terribly long straights, which can become very tedious. There is not an option however if you don’t want cars and we don’t, for as long as we can be free of them. In these instances, it’s a case of get your mind focused and get stuck in. That we did for the first 20kms to Hourtin Plage, under a now very hot sun. Some of the washing that we’d had out on our bikes was now dry, so it was time to put out some new stuff and get a swim at the beach to cool off.
Elizabeth and Phil had taken off up the road ahead of us during the morning, but we now pulled in alongside them, to enjoy some lunch. Julia wanted a swim before lunch, so Liz and Phil had lunch and watched our bikes while we took off. The beach goes on into the horizon here, golden squeaky sand, cool underfoot. The surf today however was heavy and the current was dangerous. I always worry about Julia’s enthusiasm for a swim, over safety, but even she was very aware, so we stayed at thigh level and just dived under the cold water.  Noticed a guy further along the beach fishing……naked.  Judging by his tan, he had spent all summer down at the beach with his rods.  Spent maybe ten minutes before wandering back to the guys to do a swap and have some lunch. Delicious, sardines and tomatoes with baguette. At home we would never normally eat this and yet on previous tours, we’ve also loved it.
Look at this for a cycle track!  What a surface......beautiful!

Perfect conditions for drying off the togs

Afternoon session began as the morning had finished, same scene, same slog and the sun now raging.  We had all lathered up with the sunscreen but still felt it wasn’t enough protection against the now fierce sun.  We can understand why all the locals shut up shop for three hours at this time of day.  The wind was strong in our faces as well which made it even more of a slog, but we just put our heads down and got on with it.  You wouldn’t think there would be so much deserted forest in France.  It just went on and on.  Same with the golden beach, although this afternoon we veered away from it and did quite a bit of uphill, although it was a good gradient.
We decided to check out some camps in Lacanau Plage, which seems to be a very popular surf town.  The first camp we came to wanted 21 euros per couple so we went to the supermarket and had a very welcome ice-cream and can of coke.  While we were buying these, Elizabeth cycled to the tourism office and found the municipal site was only about 2 km away so we all cycled there.  It was only 14 euro per couple and had a swimming pool so we all excitedly chose a pitch then went to go for a dip……but the pool was closed!!!  Talk about disappointed!  So we got the tents up and went for showers instead – that felt pretty good.  
Camp for the night - nice while the sand was dry!

Blogged in the shade having a sip of our preferred tipples and enjoying the breeze blowing in.
The problem we now have is that a lot of the campsites are closed or very close to it. That means freecamping, which shouldn’t be a problem, but lack of internet definitely is. The annoying thing with campsites closing (or preparing to), is they still charge normal rates, yet have no pool access…. Piss off… where I come from, that deserves a discount. No freakin’ free wifi, even though you’re paying normal rates?…. Come on Mr Froggie….that’s shit…!! So, we have the option of staying by the coast and the water, but little camping….or head inland for the possibility of no water and no camping and still no wifi ……???

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